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What Happens If You Leave Furniture in the Apartment When Moving Out?
What Happens If You Leave Furniture inside your Apartment When Moving Out? Find out in this article. Can You Leave Furniture in an Apartment? In general, you are responsible to take out all of your furniture. If you are reading this article, you probably have good...
How To Get Rid Furniture For Apartment
As landlords, we often get asked from residents on how to properly get rid of furniture that they no longer want. We enjoy these calls because it means that the resident is looking to things the right way, as it almost always not advisable to leave furniture inside...
How to Decorate An Apartment Without Damaging the Walls
Want to decorate your apartment but are scared to lose your security deposit? In this guide, we'll share some quick advice on how to decorate an apartment without damaging the walls. 1. Avoid Heavy Items Avoid mounting excessively heavy items like large mirrors,...
What Does an Unassigned Parking Spot Mean?
So you are looking for an apartment, and came across a description that says "unassigned parking." Wonder what exactly does unassigned parking mean? Good Question! You've come to the right place. Unassigned parking spots are exactly what they sound like. These are...
Do Apartments Have Visitor Parking?
Thinking about renting an apartment and want to know whether the apartment complex has visitor parking? This is a great question, and one that many forget to ask. Do All Apartment Complexes Offer It? No, not all apartment complexes offer visitor parking. However, if...
Do You Have to Do a Walk-Through Inspection Before Moving Out?
Moving out of an apartment? You may receive a call or letter from your landlord about a walk-through inspection. As a tenant, do you have to do the walk-through? Let's find out! First, What is a Move Out Inspection? A move-out inspection is a process by which a...
What Apartment Community Amenities Are Most Important?
Just how important are apartment amenities? Which apartment amenities are the most popular? In this post, we answer that and more. What are some Example Amenities? Common examples of apartment community amenities include outdoor spaces, swimming pools, fitness...
How to Be a Respectful Apartment Neighbor
Just moved into a new apartment and want to know the rules of being a good, respectful apartment neighbor? That's a great start. What exactly is apartment neighbor etiquette? Let's take a look. 1. Keep Sound to a Minimum If you're looking to play music, keep it at a...
What are the Best Floor Plans for a Two Bedroom?
Two-bedroom apartments are a popular choice for those seeking more space. But, did you know that the layout of the 2 bedroom apartment is important. Just what are the best floor plans for a two-bedroom? In this article, we cover the very best two-bedroom floor plans...
How to Set Up Apartment’s Wi-Fi
So you just moved into your brand new internet-ready apartment and wondering how to set up Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is perhaps one of the most important things to consider. It may involve several steps to get started. This guide breaks it down so you know exactly what to do. Is...
Why do Apartment Gyms Have Such Few Weightlifting Options?
You've just moved into your apartment complex, are excited about trying the in-house gym, only to be disappointed. So, why do apartment gyms have few options? There are several reasons including, expensive equipment, liability issues, and limited space. Let's go into...
What is the Cheapest Way to Get Internet in an Apartment?
The Internet is an important part of our lives today. But what is the cheapest way to get Internet in an apartment? Let's find out! Call Multiple Internet Service Providers First, ask your building which Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are available (you may be...
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