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How to Store Purses in an Apartment
If you've built a vast collection of purses and handbags, chances are you're wondering the best way to store them—especially in the smaller space like apartment living. Check out some of the ideas below: Use Over-the-Door Organizers Over the door organizers are...
What Size Rug Do You Need For a Queen Bed?
A rug is a great way to make small spaces, such as apartment bedrooms, feel larger. Rugs add a touch of depth and dimension to your room and help define space. Adding an area rug under your bed also adds an element of coziness and warmth. But before you purchase just...
Where to Get Boxes For Moving
Looking to move to a new house or apartment? One of the basic items you will need is boxes. Unfortunately, buying massive quantities of boxes online can be difficult and cumbersome. Perhaps you don’t have the time or car space. Check out the list of possible places to...
When Do Apartments Get Updated?
You might be wondering "When do apartments get updated?" Unlike a hotel which can undergo a massive renovation all at once, most apartment complexes typically renovate “as they go”. This is because hotels operate on a night-by-night basis, and can simply choose a...
Can I See the Exact Apartment I’m Interested In?
If you are in the market to rent an apartment, you may want to see the exact apartment you intend to rent. However, the management company may not be able to show you the exact apartment as better apartment complexes have enjoyed very high occupancy rates in recent...
How To Reduce Costs When Furnishing an Apartment
The cost to furnish an apartment can be considerable - $6,000+ for a two bedroom, often more than 2x the amount of cash you need just to move in (first-month rent and security deposit). Therefore, furnishing an apartment can be...
Decorating Ideas for Smaller Apartment Bathrooms
When it comes to the bathroom, many tenants feel that decorating is a big challenge due to its small size and lack of flexibility. Thankfully, bathroom decor doesn't have to be complicated. There are plenty of ways tenants can spruce up their bathrooms without...
Why Can’t I Hear My Neighbor in My Apartment, When I Can Hear Them in the Hallway?
In your apartment, might notice that you occasionally hear chatter or footsteps when your neighbor walks by your front door in the hallway; however, when you are inside your apartment, you don't hear anything. Why is this? Generally speaking, the reason you can't hear...
Is Two Months Enough Time to Find an Apartment?
While 2 months isn't the ideal amount of time (usually you want about 2.5 months) to search for an apartment, it can work if the complex you want to move into has a vacancy available. How Long Does It Take to Find an Apartment? The ideal length of time to find an...
What Are the Most Common Utilities?
Utilities, including electric, water, and potentially gas are a part of every apartment rental. However, whether utilities are included or not included, does not mean an apartment is more or less expensive. Someone always has to pay for utilities -- either you or the...
How to Find an Apartment Rental Not in a Complex
If you're looking to rent an apartment that's not in an apartment complex, odds are you're looking for a 'for rent-by-owner' apartment or a single individual apartment to rent. This means a single landlord, instead of a property management company that operates and...
What Does All Amenities Included Mean?
If you're looking for a new apartment, there's a good chance you've seen the phrase "all amenities included". As appealing as this may sound, it's essential to understand what "all amenities included" means and how it impacts your overall cost. What Is an Apartment...
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