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How Much Should I Be Paying in Rent?
You are looking to rent an apartment and are wondering how much you can afford to pay in rent. Below are three rules that most financial experts suggest using as a guide for how much you should be paying in rent. Rule #1: Spend a maximum of 30% of your annual income...
Top 5 Things to Do in Philadelphia on the 4th of July
There are few places as spirited and alive as July in Philadelphia! After all, Philadelphia is the birthplace of the nation. There isn't another city that can claim that! Where else would you want to be than where it all began? Each year, Philadelphia is honored with...
4 Crucial Safety Tips for the Pool this Summer
It's July, and the pool has been open at your apartment for several weeks. The pool is a wonderful place for the entire family to meet new friends, have fun, swim for exercise, or generally feel refreshed by the cool water. During pool hours, a certified Red Cross...
5 Easy Ways to Make Your Balcony Space More Enjoyable
Nothing goes to waste! It's what people usually say when it comes to being frugal but it's also not a bad philosophy when it comes to getting the most out of your apartment. After all, you've done the apartment hunting, you signed the lease, you probably hassled your...
4 Simple and Manageable Ways to Keep Your New Apartment Clean and Fresh
Every one of us likes to live in a clean, fresh apartment. Having to come home to a messy, cluttered apartment every day is liable to cause an immense feeling of dread, which is why it's essential to devise ways to ensure your apartment is kept neat and tidy. Below...
5 Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day Weekend in Philadelphia
Memorial Day, a holiday rich with a history of American patriotism and unity, is the official kick off to every summer across the U.S. Celebrated to commemorate the lives of countless war veterans that have served our country valiantly and sacrificed their lives since...
Why Use Apartment Ratings and Apartment Rating Websites
Choosing the right apartment for you and your family has become much easier since the advent of the Internet. Less time and energy have to be spent searching endlessly for the *perfect* apartment. More time can now be devoted to actually touring homes and making a...
Don’t Overlooked These Important Considerations when Apartment Shopping
When it comes to choosing an apartment, there are serious considerations you'll want to take into account including fire safety, sound control, energy efficiency, trash handling, and finally, security. One of the most overlooked aspects that a prospective resident...
The Ultimate Checklist for Choosing an Apartment
When it comes to choosing an apartment, whether it's your first apartment or your fourth, you should always have an imaginary (or real) checklist with you to ensure you're getting exactly what you want. You don't want to sign a year-long lease for an apartment and...
Multi-Family Executive Ranks Park Place One Apartments 25th in the U.S.
We try not to pat ourselves on the back too much, but every once in a while, it's nice to acknowledge some recognition. Recently, Park Place One Apartments was recognized as the 25th highest ranked property for online reputation and customer satisfaction by...
Why We’re a Proud Supporter of Homes for Our Troops
There are a number of non-profits dedicated to helping veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. All of their missions are similar, they seek to help veterans transition back to civilian life. The challenges are many; none greater than the challenges put in front of...
Identity Theft: What Is It and How to Prevent It?
What is Identity Theft Identity theft is when someone steals your personal identity information and uses it without your permission to commit fraud, for example, to make an unauthorized purchase or to take a loan out in your name. Person identity information includes...
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