Review Your Community

How to Submit a review

Bu talimatları takip edin.


1. Adım

Select the apartment you would like to review below:

Not: When you click one of the links below, a new tab (page) will open up. Keep this page open so you can refer back to it for the instructions and steps on how to leave a review.

2. Adım

Look for…and then Click ‘Write a Review’ Button to be jumped to review section.


3. Adım

Add a title, and enter your review. Talk about whatever you’d like. Click ‘NEXT’. Follow prompts

Note: there is a minimum of 200 characters so at least a few sentences.

4. Adım

Select whether you are a current or former tenant, enter information, and click ‘NEXT’

5. Adım

There are a series of boxes (actually stars) that allow you to rate specific areas of interest to new residents such as:


6. Adım

Follow the prompts. Click “post”.

Look for confirmation screen. That’s it!

2) Apartment Guide Reviews

1. Adım

Select the apartment you would like to review below:

Not: When you click one of the links below, a new tab (page) will open up. Keep this page open so you can refer back to it for the instructions and steps on how to leave a review.

2. Adım

A review box will automatically appear (this may take a second).

3. Adım

Select whether you are a current, former, or potential resident.

4. Adım

You can type in your review. Enter your email address, and click “send”.

You’re done! Thank you!

3) Google  Reviews

I have a Google Account

1. Adım

If you have a Google account, sign in, click on the Apartment you would like to review listed below.

Not: When you click one of the links below, a new tab (page) will open up. Keep this page open so you can refer back to it for the instructions and steps on how to leave a review.

2. Adım

A review box will automatically appear (this may take a second). Write a review.

3. Adım

Tıkla "İleti".

4. Adım

Bu kadar! Sen bittin.
I don’t have a Google Account

1. Adım

Bu bağlantıya tıklayın: Google Hesabı Oluşturun

Not: When you click the link below to create a Google account, keep this page open so you can refer back to it for additional steps and instructions.

2. Adım

You will be asked your first name and last name (you can choose to just use an initial for your last name for anonymity).

3. Adım

You need to choose a username and password. This process also creates a free email address on Google (which creates a Google account). Enter any date you want under the birthday (no need to enter phone number).

4. Adım

kontrol “I agree to the Google terms”tık "Sonraki adım" tekrar.

5. Adım

Once you’ve created an account, you can now leave a review. Click on the apartment you would like to review listed below:

Not: When you click one of the links below, a new tab (page) will open up. Keep this page open so you can refer back to it for the instructions and steps on how to leave a review.

6. Adım

Once you’ve arrived (a review box will automatically appear, but may take a second). Write a review.

7. Adım

Tıkla "İleti".

8. Adım

Bu kadar! Sen bittin.

4) Reviews

1. Adım

Click the link below to leave a review for your building:

**resident should use BOTH: (1) different email address than ApartmentGuide -AND- (2) different content/words to describe experience. Failure to do both will cause review to be marked as duplicate.

Not: When you click one of the links below, a new tab (page) will open up. Keep this page open so you can refer back to it for the instructions and steps on how to leave a review.

2. Adım

Choose your Star Rating, select resident status, write your review!

Note: be sure at least 20 characters so a few sentences.

3. Adım

Enter your email, and follow prompts.

4. Adım

Tıkla “Submit Review”. Look for confirmation page. That’s it. Thank you.


1. Adım

Click on the Apartment you would like to review listed below.

Not: When you click one of the links below, a new tab (page) will open up. Keep this page open so you can refer back to it for the instructions and steps on how to leave a review.

2. Adım

Scroll down and click on the button “Write a Review”.

3. Adım

A review box will automatically appear.

4. Adım

Select the number of stars, type in your review, and you can click “Submit”.

5. Adım

It will prompt you to create an account if you don’t already have one, or you can log in with your Google or Facebook account.

6) Get Five Stars Reviews

1. Adım

Select the apartment you would like to review below:

Not: When you click one of the links below, a new tab (page) will open up. Keep this page open so you can refer back to it for the instructions and steps on how to leave a review.

2. Adım

A new page will open. Simply select your rating, and enter any additional comments if desired.

3. Adım

Enter your information, and click “Submit Feedback”. Thank you.

7) Facebook Reviews

1. Adım

Click the link below to leave a Facebook review for your building:

Not:  you must be logged into your Facebook Account to leave a Facebook review.

2. Adım

diyor “Do you recommend Philly Apartment Rentals (our apartments)?” Tıkla "Evet" if you recommend it.

3. Adım

It will prompt you to enter in some comments. Feel free to enter as little or as much as you want.

4. Adım

Tıkla "İleti". That’s it. Thank you.

8) Hotpads (Coming Soon)

1. Adım

Click the link below to leave a review on Hotpads

2. Adım

Follow on screen prompts.

3. Adım

It will prompt you to enter in some comments. Feel free to enter as little or as much as you want.

4. Adım

Tıkla "İleti". That’s it. Thank you.

9) Zillow (Coming Soon)

1. Adım

Click the link below to fillow out a form on Zillow (assuming you have not already and assuming you discovered us from Zillow)

Not:  you must wait 48 hours for a direct link from Zillow

2. Adım

Click ‘Request a Tour’

3. Adım

2 Days Later, You will get an email from Zillow directly. Click the blue button that says “Tell us in 30 seconds”

Note: you must wait 2 days to get this email


4. Adım

Click ‘Leave a Review’. Follow On Screen Prompts.

5. Adım

Bu kadar.

You can also find us on Yelp! Just open up your Yelp app, and search

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